October 10th Update

In case you missed by post last week, next Friday (17th), I will be uploading a new game to the members section. It will be the first ever ‘guest game’ for the site, made by dsp3000 rather than myself.

In Tara, “You are a professional photographer driving north for an assignment tomorrow morning. You set off a couple of hours ago and have just stopped for a break at a truck stop. There are still two hours of your journey remaining before you reach your hotel room for the night.”

During your drive, you can pick up a hitchhiker named Tara, and enjoy all the fun that comes with a hot hitchhiker who likes sex. There are multiple ways the plot can go before you reach your destination, and I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun exploring all the possibilities.


hotel14sample4 sample5 sample6 sample7


Progress on my own game, Photographer Part 2 is still good. I have over 210 images now.

It may seem like I’ve made less this week, but that’s because I’ve been making the animated GIFs. I’ll be posting more details and sample images after Tara has been released so I don’t distract you too much from dsp3000’s game.

9 thoughts to “October 10th Update”

  1. I think that should read “you can pick up a hitchhiker named Tara” rather than “naked Tara”.
    There are a few ways to get her naked though…

  2. about Photagrapher Part 2, when is the latest we can expect it to be up. i would like to play both Tara and this game in one 2 month period of payment.

    1. The next free game will most likely be Maddison and released after The Photographer part 2.

      There won’t be a free game after Tara is released as it’s not one of mine.

  3. Pretty darn good, the motion sequences were nice. Kudos to the creator. Only criticism was maybe a few more options to choose from.

    Looking forward to Pt 2.

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