Photographer Part 3 expansion
So, firstly, let’s go over what exactly will be in this expansion. This is the list of stuff to add so far :
- Maddison solo sex scene
- Lisette solo sex scene
- Miranda solo sex scene
- Zoe solo sex scene
- Cherise and Kimiko threesome
I’m also going to be adding more non sexual encounters during the main day in various rooms. I’ll also be adding at least a couple of photoshoots throughout the day, as it seems a little weird that the main game only had one (Cherise).
I’m currently working on Lisette’s new scene.
No news from dsp3000 yet, but I have been contacted by MrStomper!
For those of you who are newer to the site, he is the developer of Anna’s dating game.
He’s nearing completion of his next release, and has asked that I add a poll to determine the ethnicity of his player character.
So, what would you prefer? White male, or black male?

Oh, MrStomper is back! (well, not really back, he responded to my comments, so he wasn’t that far away). As for the poll, while I voted for white (the closer to my own ethnicity), I think that in terms of gameplay, it won’t matter much, as you could always add the other ethnicity later. However, gender choice might be intersting, not just for female players, but fans of girl on girl action.
You are not the only one to show some concerns about why a gender choice is not included. I hope to answer them all in one reply (fingers crossed):
female point of view doesn’t fit the overall narrative structure.
But I swear I will try to do better in my next project ;).
Oh, I didn’t mean iy like it was a flaw or something like that, I just said that, choosing your ethnicity doesn’t affect the gameplay that much (white, black, asian, does it matter?)
Yeah, feels strange to barely have any photoshoots in a photographer game. I wonder if you could a shooting in the public?
I’m curious to why MrStomper left out gender choice. Not that I’m complaining.
Please, see my reply to Nazim10 (the first comment).
Looking forward to the expansion! Lisette/Maddison solo sex scenes sound great. I’d love to see a Maddison/Mia threesome, but I’m not complaining. It all sounds great.
i would for fun prefer to play as female (there was plans to add full body female for LEANNA and i thought it to be a great idea .
Although I am excited to see the expansion of The Photographer 3, I hope Chaotic will forgive me for celebrating the return of MrStompr. I was afraid that we had lost him and his Anna game brought some new ideas to the site. Anxiously awaiting his offering.
May best wishes go out to dsp3000 ass well. I am happier to know that he is doing well than I can express.
Best wishes to you all. And thank you all for the enjoyment that you have brought us.
I am all about some Miranda action in the expansion!
And great to hear the Mr. Stomper has something in the works. Anna was a great game.
I’m very excited to hear about Mr. Stomper’s next release – the final act of Anna’s dating game remains the most elaborately scripted sex scene I’ve ever played through: it was a mini-game unto itself. Nothing that has been released since really comes close – and I’m including all the modern Patreon visual novels in that category. I hope something similar is incorporated into this new game. A similar-style sex scene with updated visuals comparable to more recent releases would be truly epic!
I’d love another one-on-one sex scene with Maddison. I love that bit in the first Photographer game where she lays on the bed completely naked showing her slick tight pussy and says “Do you like what you see?” It really adds to the appeal and scoring with her is hotter than all of the models put together.
Hi Chaotic, any idea on when we might see the Photographer 3 Expansion?
Hopefully just before Christmas.
Hey Chaotic,
Love your games, keep it up.
Just a question, my favorite character has been Erica for a long time, just wondering any plans for her, Model Update/new Game?
P.S. Id love to see a Erica/Tammy Matchup.
Sadly, no immediate future plans for Erica.
Is there a reason you haven’t done any voice overs like you did with the Jennifer game? I always really enjoyed that.
It’s mainly just a combination of effort and lack of demand.
People enjoyed the voiced character as a novelty, but they also weren’t too bothered about seeing it again.
I still say an orgy scene would be cool
Any chance of having more upskirt shots of the women? Say when they are walking up the stairs, leaning over a railing in a loose dress and you can see their panties as they talk to you from above, open crossing legs while sitting, under desks, a sharp wind blowing up skirts and dresses, reflective floors and short skirts like with Bridgette in ‘The Academy’ Part 1,