One final week of experiments today. Next week, I’ll be back to concentrating on Leanna and I’ll begin with a thorough summary of where the game is up to, what players can expect from it, and when they can expect it.
For now though…
I had another attempt at creating a new character this week. No name yet, but I came across a series of very realistic skin textures and felt compelled to use them.
I’ve tried to go for a slightly more hippy or bohemian look for her. It isn’t really something I’ve done before, and it could be very useful.
There’s some interesting character driven scenarios or factors it opens up. Hanging out naked in the forest? Maybe she lives in a cabin on the edge of the city and your spend the whole day nude and exploring the area.
Maybe an artist too. Last time we saw Kelly she appeared to have advanced from art student to teacher, so maybe this new woman is one of students. It would be a good way to connect her to the rest of the world I’ve established.
For this weeks poll, which of the follow places would you like to see sex scenes take place in?
This isn’t necessarily for Leanna, or any specific game, I just want to get a general feel for everyone’s interests. My games are notable for rarely just sticking to bedrooms when it comes to sex, and since most of you keep coming back here, I’m guessing you like that.
Select as many of these as you like. If you have your own suggestions too, leave a comment below and I’ll add them to the poll.

I like the second pic. anyway I hope you will hire someone else to speed up the work, but at least thanks for the update.
I’m not into any type of outdoor/public/exhibitionist types of sexual activities, so my votes reflect that đŸ™‚ the only exception for me would be if the sex act was reasonably private, but in a public/outdoor setting i.e. such as the “Near a crowd, but hidden” option you had.
Some other interesting choices could be backstage at a concert, empty movie theater, van/camper/bus, deserted cabin, or any commercial/office space after-hours.
I love the draft pictures, the realistic look is awesome, AND HER facial structure wow.
A small factor though, maybe a slight increase in cleavage size would make it even more perfect. Just perfect.
The poll this week is great btw. A fan os secluded areas, including the desert!
In the kitchen is also a really hot place. Plus, it opens up options such as food play with whipped cream.
I like the new character idea in concept. Any chance that you could both lengthen the hair (maybe 6-8 inches or 15-20 cm) and add a little more gloss? The gloss would help to highlight a pretty face.
Nice babe
Just like Nick.Helli, I love the new character’s look. Her face is gorgeous and the body looks very nice.
On a more general note, I can’t seem to notice many lead females with smaller breasts. If you don’t mind, I would like to see more of them (I know guys, please don’t judge me).
Anyway, I love your work and I hope to play more games in a near future and for long times coming. Keep up the fantastic work and thank you very much for putting into stories many of my own fantasies.
I also agree about the breast size. Some reality in a fantasy game isn’t a bad thing.
Also, without nipples, breasts are pointless.
hm hm
Her face looks grate
Chaotic, can you provide us with some kind of update on what’s going on with dsp3000? In the May 19th update he said he would be pulling together the full walkthrough and updating the character guide for Academy Day 4 the following week. Well it’s been 5 weeks now, and dsp3000 has completely disappeared. It would’ve been nice if dsp3000 popped up in the comments of an update some week to explain the delay, rather than have people like me coming here every Friday expecting to hear something about it, only to leave disappointed.
Well… I mean, I am not upset because it’s a lot of effort for dsp, chaotic, and MrStomper to make these games. So not having a walkthrough yet really isn’t a big deal, I think.
But, I haven’t downloaded the game yet because I understand from the other week’s blog post that there are still a few errors in the version dsp gave to Chaotic to upload. Did dsp submit fixed files to Chaotic?
I realize that saying a lot of time and effort go into these games is an understatement, as someone who doesn’t make code or images I can’t even begin to understand how time consuming it must be. I just want dsp3000 to provide us with some kind of update. He told us he would have something done in a week, I’ve been checking in for 5 weeks straight now and haven’t seen anything from him explaining the reason for the delay.
As far as the errors go, there were some issues with images and scenes that got corrupted and they were corrected quickly, but since then some suspected issues with the game’s code have come up and dsp3000 hasn’t been around to address it.
its me or Easy E and EscapeEvade are the same person ?
or maybe my translator is messed out lol
I can assure you we’re not, though I didn’t notice that we both have “E E” in our screen names until you pointed that out.
There really aren’t that many errors. I am really only aware of two. And one of those does not impact the outcome of the game. One possible bug is in the elevator sex scene with Alicia. It only impacts one of the ways you can get caught. And, if you have sex with Alicia, you are going to lose anyway. The second bug is only cosmetic. It prevents you from maxing out Bridgette_lust. The exit code of the game will not be impacted. Yes, I would like to see these fixed, but these bugs should not prevent you from downloading and enjoying the game.
I can see that dsp3000 said he was working on a walkthrough, but there certainly wasn’t a guarantee that he’d release it by a specific date. He might not even finish it at all.
If dsp3000 can find the time to write a walkthrough, that’s great, but he’s under no obligation to. We’ll have to see what happens.
That said, I’ll give him a poke and see what’s happening.
Wow. This latest character model is really pretty. I hope you do something with her in the future, even if it’s just a short story.
This new one looks great! I don’t particularly like Leanna but this one, very much!
All those locations seem great but I’d definitely want to see a character having sex on a basketball court, indoor or outdoor.
I like this new character, please do something with she, or even a game
Any clue about when will u launch the next game?
Dude, just scroll up and read the first sentence in the blog post.
I love the overall look of the new girl. As for locations I wouldn’t mind seeing more public/exhibitionist type locales if only for variety or special endings. Personally with this type of more nature oriented girl maybe you can have nudism as a major feature in her game, of course you the player still have to work to get anywhere with her.
Its been a long time since I’ve read the blog but is bestiality potentially an option? Seems like it could be easier to add with a girl like this.
There was a blog post a little while ago where I listed every possible fetish I could think of, then classified by willingness to do them.
I believe bestiality was under the red category (ones that I would never do).
I think it might also be again epoch’s rules, so I don’t think I can anyway.
how about a hospital ,lots of people fantasize about nurses
I did think about hospital, but then I wasn’t too sure.
In theory, tat would also mean you’re surrounded by ill and/or dying people, which isn’t as sexy.
can be not an hospital specificly, but an kind of relaxing house with nurse for peoples too stressed or réhabilitation (for walk again after accident or somthing) (or this kid of establishement, i dont know the exact name in english, so i hope you see what i mean)
You could also be surrounded by women getting breast enhancements or horny nurses helping you to get rid of persistent or prolonged erections.
That would be a great idea.
Or maybe about horny student nurses?
Or just a very short ‘Doctor & Nurse’ sex game? You could choose to either play the Doctor or the Nurse, and the Doctor can be either a male or female, with a female nurse.
This new character you made Chaotic would look great as a sexy Matron you get to have sex with, or the female Doctor performing the examination on the nurse…
Hey that reminds me, what about a sexy Doctor that is a Sexual Therapist?
As you said- cures prolonged erections…then you get to “put out her fire”…
This new character would be great for that. Give her a little short landing strip above a shaved pussy for that “tough authority” look.
Bohemian living in a forest does sound like a great idea
Yeah, especially if she’s a nudist. The idea of her being naked the whole day sounds awesome. Sort of reminds me of Miranda, except this will be on a larger scale.
I cant help but notice that there still isnt a walkthrough for the acadamy part 4. I still have yet to complete it and obtain a code and I cant figure out how. I dont really have the time to siit here and play the game over and over and over again trying to find every ending and/or sex scene. That could literally take months.
There isn’t an official full walkthrough, but if you go back and read the comments under the blog posts when the game was released, there’s considerable discussion on how to complete the game. There’s really only one ending to Part 4, so I don’t think most of the in-game choices will make a huge difference until Part 5.
So far, I have 11 different end codes. But yes, getting Valentine fired is the main thrust.
You have 11 different codes for the ending of part 4?
I just counted again and came up with 16. The optional Megan ending helps to generate a number of extra endings (2x).
New character looks great. Really hope she gets a post-Leanna game or makes an appearance in one
Love the new character! Very beautiful face. From what we can see the body looks great as well. You definitely have amazing skill when it comes to creating gorgeous women. I find the breast size to be a good size for her frame. I’m really not into huge breasts on women in games or real life. C cup is usually about the max I like but there are always exceptions and it also depends on shape and how they fit a woman’s body. One of the great features in your games is the different sizes. I can’t stand the games where every female has enormous torpedo shaped clown tits. They look ridiculous and are not a turn on.
I like the Bohemian/hippy idea. Could really make for an interesting game. For the poll I chose all but two. Some really great ideas for the poll. Couple others could be strip club, gym/yoga studio, library, in a vehicle or blowjob while driving.
Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the next one to hear your progress and thoughts on Leanna. The last few updates have been great with some excellent ideas for future characters/games and I’m very excited for your future projects.
Great Looks
Like the New girl have you considered making her a Witch? like the idea of on stage or with people watching.Like the outdoor setting and nudist concept Kelly is a good choice for a story like that I think Sarah might fit too.Have you also considered a female cross dresser or women who wear supposedly male clothing?
Please I beg you make a walk through for part 4 of the academy Mrs goodhead can never be found and believe me I’ve tried
Did you go to the staff meeting at 9:30? The woman sitting bide Governor Ramsey is Ms. Goodhead. You should see her again when you meet with Governor Ramsey at 11:00 (and escort her to your office) and again as the game ends.
I think Q means that Goodhead can’t be found later in the afternoon after speaking to Bridgette and Didi in the library (option to look for her instead of following Ramsey and Valentine).
No, she cannot be found. But you can peek in the girls’ shower. You find Goodhead later if you follow Valentine and Ramsey. Santa has good details for this on a previous blog post.
Ok thanks for the help
Can’t grab Ramsey’s laptop for some reason and I did see what was on it and I had the store room key any ideas?
Had you already retrieved the camera from the trash can in the Principal’s office? You need to do that and get fired first. Then go to the library. Then go back into the Principal’s office. Be careful not to get seen in the Principal’s office.