Just a random mix of images and polls this week.
New character?
I’ve been experimenting with the idea of doing something with a more ‘cutesy’ character. Maybe someone with a sort of goth or Kawaii thing going down.
She’s nowhere near finished, but this is what I’ve got so far.
Leanna progress
No new images for Leanna this week, though I have been spent some time reordering the plot. I’ve found a way to merge some of the scenes together and thereby save a lot of work. The amount of sex content will be the same, but hopefully this should mean I can get through the remainder of the work quickly starting next week.
EDIT : Decided to do a little work on Leanna today, so I started on the ending. Here’s the test image for the start of the scene.
It’s been a little while since I had any polls, so let’s have one this week.
I bought a new toy for Leanna a while ago. If you’re not aware of them, this is called a torso doll, and they are very much a real thing.
Obviously, the idea is that the woman get’s on top and rides it like she would a man. Since a majority of you didn’t like the idea of a threesome involving another man, I thought this might be a good alternative. She could be riding it whilst giving you a blowjob, or vice versa. She could maybe even have multiple dolls to play with – an orgy where you’re the only guy.
What do you think? Could this be a way to have a slightly naughtier/nastier sex scene, but without any threat to male territoriality involved?

What do you think of a lesbian character in women basketball (or other sports) team? I’m sure you get plenty of ideas how to create a story of this.Do you like this idea ?
There have been lesbian characters in dsp3000’s games like The Academy series, as well as Chaotic’s for example the characters April and Violet. But they are more like bisexual than lesbian, which I have no problem with AT ALL!
I think fmf threesomes are the best.
something more sporty, especially basketball related, would be such a great game to play as a lot of us like sports!!!
The torso doll concept is uber creepy. I’d prefer that Leanna gets it from an actual second dude.
A doll sounds a bit too creepy or off the imagination. Either another guy or a toy (vibrator) involved but no doll / torso / whatsoever
What about food? Like a cucumber? Aubergine? Carrot? Chocolate bar?
no offense, but the doll thing is creepy. and no I don’t even like threesome scenes, I think they ruin the realism of the game. I like games like academy with some adventures while the sex parts play just a part of the game instead of being the whole thing. perhaps you should check games like broken sword, sherlock holmes (from frogware ), The Longest Journey, Syberia, The Raven – Legacy of a Master Thief.
Also, no fan of the doll.
But a question:
If there is a week without an Update coming, could you just Post a comment Under the previous one, announcing it?
Then there will be noch need to check the Website hyped as hell three times a day.
Of course I Know, that you don’t have to, but it Would be great for my nerves and I could spare myself so many letdowns
Anyway, continue your great work,
A Supporter
I think some changes are good and its good to try something different you dont know if you would like it until you play it so i would go with another dude instead of doll but if you dont want it doll is aslo good choice. Its nice yo have variety in games. Cheers love your work.
I totally agree. Try it before condemning. Not sure I will like it, but I won’t know until I see it in action.
I remember all of the queries about how to get the dildo in Anna. Not that much different is it?
While having a doll is understandable, having multiple ones is a bit going too far. I mean, can you imagine yourself with a girl… and four plastic half dudes? Not really a fan of the mmf thing, but if you must have a second “penis”, maybe use a vibrator, or a woman with a strap-on, I don’t know…
I’m not very fond of the new character or the sex toy idea. It’s kind of creepy, but better than another dude at least.
Progress is looking good, can’t wait for the actual game 🙂
This is a sex game at the end of the day- why would you want to fantasise about seeing a woman have sex with an inanimate object?
Like any porn- this is about fantasising having sex with the person on screen, in whatever scenario is portrayed.
An object like a doll completely undermines that.
I once saw a documentary on guys and their “dolls”- basically men who felt so rejected or alienated by real women that they resorted to having sex with lifelike manufactured dolls, even going so far to project personalities on the dolls as if they were real. It was rather bizarre.
Oh, I do like the idea of your new cutesy character. She looks like great fun. I like her more than Leanna who seems far too serious from what I have seen so far. I am finding it really hard to be interested in Leanna. But you seem to have invested so much into that project. I hope it works out for you once it is done.
I really dislike the new character you’ve been working on I’d rather give her like a slutty look
Well first off, I like the new girl, just a little tweaking here and there and she could do quite well.
That said, I find the torso-doll just all kinds of creepy and disturbing. The fact its just a torso is just wrong on all levels. There are other ways a couple can bring in toys during sex without looking like they dropped by a serial killer’s place to do a quick shop.
If there are to be threesomes, try mixing up the positions. Maybe a daisy chain for an FFF, or a spitroast for a MFM. Just something like that, anything but the victim-vibrator up there…
But thank you for sharing your work with us and thanks for the games.
Ah Chaotic, I again love the latest Leanna pics (the one in the blog and also the one in Tumbler). You are an artist!
As to the new character that you have introduced above, it will be interesting to see your intent, or more specific, where and how you would use her. She doesn’t look like Violet, but somehow the first impression reminds me of her. Hmm, I guess that she reminds me of another character speaks well of your skills. She conveys some degree of personality already.
Hi DSP3000. It has been a while since your successful launch of the Academy Part 4. An excellent game I might add. Just one question. Do you plan to do any final bug fix release? If you do, please consider defining varPlus25 in the _functions.js file. You call this in several places, but it is not defined and therefore does not function.
Thanks again for MANY hours of enjoyable play. I look forward to what I hope isn’t the final installment in this series late this year.
Also, please consider looking into the entire elevator scene with Alicia. Achievement 24 seems to be triggered by “elevator_choice”, which doesn’t happen until afterwards. Perhaps it’s supposed to be “elevator_alarm”? And as Santa pointed out in an earlier update, it doesn’t seem possible to have sex with Alicia and have a successful game end seeing as the game clock is advanced too far, but “endcode5check” indicates otherwise.
The new girl is quite interesting. Maybe a good candidate for a short story.
The new girl is pretty hot. I’m a sucker for big boobs though, so if you give her slightly bigger boobs and she’d be really hot!
And as far as the sex doll/MMF threesome is concerned, I’m not opposed to either idea. If a girl’s a freak, sometimes she wants it in more ways than one. I do think that including multiple dolls in a scene would be too creepy though, one is enough.
where is the academy part 4 guide
I’m really not a fan of the “kawaii” girl. I’ve always found them to be way too annoying.
oh I have a suggestion, please consider to add some chubby girls too, I really like chubby girls, especially their legs. The size in the pic is quite good, but it’s okay even if the girl is a bit overweight, as long as the stomach is somewhat flat (not really flat), her gadgets are big( 😉 ), legs are somewhat thick like the girl in the following pic.
also cute looking girls like didi, hot girls like holly, natalia. strong intimidating women like valentine. nerdy girls like amy like characters are quite prefered, so if you can include either them or girls with that features in your future games that would be great. I honestly like the academy game because it’s a kind of diverse, adventures, and realistic. it’s not like you jump on them in the first day and have sex with every girl, you know it’s hard to explain but you feel when you are playing it’s realistic or not. I remember playing many games in patreon where women are randomly groped, and blackmail them for sex, force it on them with various threats, I am not really fan of them.
Though i would prefer a real second man for Leanna, i also think that a FFM scene with an assortment of dildos and strap-ons would be a good compromise instead of the male-doll.
But i don’t mind you going through with that too 🙂
I agree with your thoughts. Although I voted “yes”, I would prefer strap-ons and dildos. But then again, I have a preference for FFM. But, if the scenario calls for a simple on-on-one, then I have no real objection to the doll. It could be interesting.
“A threat to male territoriality”… geez, just do a threesome. Nothing wrong with a M/M/F scene, it can be very hot.
I doubt your fans have so fragile masculinity that they can’t enjoy it.
If you read his post again, you’ll see that he already did a poll on the subject, and the “no to mmf” faction won, kind of.
Moreover, it’s about fragile masculinity, it’s more of the concept. In the vdate games, you are the protagonist, and you try to get it with the girl. And if another guy just swoops in and “share the benefits” with you, without doing anything, it feels like you’ve been ripped off somehow. Maybe that wouldn’t be the case in an already established relationship, when you and your girl have some rules, but in the beginning, it’s more like you try te build something, and another dude just crash your party, and if the girl is okay with it, it makes it worse. Just my opinion.
how about a story between 2 best friends (Player and male friend) (and/or a female lesbian friend) to seduce the hot girl first (which you get to play as all 2 or 3 friends) while trying to sabotage your friends end scene would have multiple variations depending if its combination of male player, lesbian friend and hot girl / player and hot girl / player and lesbian friend / best friend, lesbian friend and hot girl / best friend and hot girl with player with lesbian friend / lesbian friend and hot girl / or an awesome foursome lol what do you think of this as a game Chaotic, dsp3000 or Mr Stomper
I don’t find the torso doll creepy, it’s just weird to have it involved. Also, not a fan of mmf, maybe there could be a sex machine instead, not sure. You could just keep it simple, a long MF scene would be great, like in the Maddison game.
Can’t wait for the Crystal and Maddison/Lisette game. And still have my fingers crossed for the Rachel/Cassandra/Betsy game.
Great to hear about you again though.
I would love to see Leanna squirt hard. That’d be perfect. You’ve said you are not into the squirting thing, but for a muscular girl with big boobs like Leanna, i would really love to make her squirt hard in the game, and it’d make sense and that’d be hot too. Just mt personal opinion, bro.
Squirting is uncontrolled piss. It’s nasty, not hot at all.
I think it would be hot to add doggy style spanking and hair pulling npthing hardcore, like in tara part 3 where you do that. It would be really hot .
i guess its done now… definitly … nobody like the idea to share leanna with others mens or dolls.
still, i bet my life in fact that everybody will like to share leanna with another women (even if the player have no interaction with this other women, aka, no sex with the other women, no touch, but only her for leanna)
i m right ? (i m 500% sure)
Dude, it’s about preferences. If you like sharing, that’s your business, but don’t try calling poeple on it if they don’t agree with you. You have to understand this: is someone disagree, that’s his damn opinion, and have the right to say so (just like you have this right also), so stop bitching that others don’t like what you like, period.
dude , i completly dont give a shit ..
i just say a real fact that appear clearly on the poll (its not the first poll about this)
i not bitching , i dont give a fuck .. i just say that for hope Chaotic have understand now that its useless to ask another time about this or whatever idea he can have with leanna.
learn how to read english please.
I think it’s sexit to say something like that, I think I more prefer if we are given a chance to share or not.
Is there every going to be a walkthrough for the Academy Part 4?
I can give you all the variations to the code if you want but the walkthrough itself doesn’t seem to ever be getting made.
For the elevator scene, do you know how to get caught by just Sebastian and Laura?
Laura yes, Sebastian no. Sorry
I think that you are running into the bug that Easy E has identified above.
Maybe if you can spell and write in English like a normal human being, and speak in a polite manner, maybe, I say maybe, you will not come across as a whiny douche….
Things are looking good. Nice to see you playing with other ideas while still working on Leanna. The new girl looks cute. I love the body type and glasses. I’ve never been into the Japanese/Asian cultural thing. Just can’t get into anime and all the talk of kawaii and waifu just leaves me scratching my head. But different strokes and all that. If that’s something you’re into by all means go for it. It’s really great that you have polls for your members/fans but at the end of the day you’re the creator and if something interests you, go for it. I’ve enjoyed all of your games over the years. Some more than others but I’m sure everyone has different favorites. Gets a little boring if they’re all the same.
Using the new toy in the Leanna game I’ve got no feelings one way or the other. It’s basically all we really see of the main male character in most of your games so I don’t really find it creepy. In a real life situation I would prefer the doll over another male if I had to choose. I’ve just never had the desire to have a 3some with another dude. Even a very close friend. You could also just multi path it. Then those that wan to see the toy used will and those that find it creepy don’t have to see it. If it doesn’t end up making its way into the Leanna game maybe you could do a short solo girl game kinda like the Kelly game. It could be one of the options/endings or something. Or it could even be used in a girl/girl game/scene. I’m sure April and Violet would put it to good use *wink *wink
Thanks for the updates chaotic and keep up the awesome work!
Why dont you make sharing wihlth another guy and make it optional to see whats the reaction from gameplay so you could know in future games what to do…
Can anyone tell me where I can get help if my members account doesn’t work anymore?
There should be no payment problems but I can’t log in anymore.
Thank you for your help.
Contact page is here : http://www.vdategames.com/contact.html
lol, this making male into torso’s and not having multiple male characters to a woman is further examples of sexism where more girls are more good and more guys are more bad.
I would love to see an accidental three some where neither man knows the other is there till it is too late and the woman has tricked them into it. with endings that leave one or the other guy leaving and a third ending with here convincing them she is worth them staying.
To be fair, the female form is infinitely more pleasing to look at than the male. As I have heard one person describe things “The female body is like a Ferrari, beautiful with elegant lines. A masterpiece. The male form is a Humvee, big and blocky but it gets the job done.”
Are you using genesis 8 for the new character???
Still just Genesis 3 for now. Haven’t had enough time to play with the new Genesis 8 yet.
Well,maybe some information abouy when will u launch next game?
Well, any info about when will u launch next game? Any game would be good