So, after many weeks of deliberation, it looks like I finally have a full plan for my next group of games. I have plenty of conviction towards the characters, and it gives me some time to do the other, non-VDG things I must before the end of the year.
Mariana and Molly
I am going to give give both Mariana and Molly their own games. They are both very hot, and I really don’t want to downgrade either to a supporting role.
First up will be the Nascar game staring Molly. You will be working with her (an undercover police officer) to expose corruption in the sport, with Molly showcasing her considerable driving skill along the way.

Mariana will be getting her own game soon after. The reason why Molly comes first, is that I want to have much more time perfecting Mariana’s skin textures. There’s still something a bit ‘off’ about them to me. There’s a couple of solutions, but each is going to require lots of trial and error, which means more time. By the time I get a Molly game finished, she should be perfect though.
But what will she be doing? I’ve decided to expand the other premise I was considering with her (the one where you meet her in the hotel bar). In it, there was going to be the implication that she is some kind of international assassin. I’ve decided to just run with that as it’s got lots of potential, and also has a very different angle of how your romance progresses. It’s also a good reason to use lots of outfits I don’t normally get to, such as a leather catsuit. I can still keep her heritage and use the hacienda sets I have with this premise too.

I also like how these ideas could combine together into one big story arc. Tlaero and Mortzes game seem to be aiming to some sort of crossover where each of the women’s superpowers come in useful. It would be fun to do something inspired by that – Leanna as the intrepid reporter, Molly as the driver, and Mariana as gun wielding kick ass assassin. That would be a cool team.
(BTW, both images above are 1920×1080 if you want to use them as wallapapers)
Members section
Last year, I made April and Violet for members section. While I enjoyed it, it was clear that I lost some conviction towards it, as I really wanted to be working on Leanna. I suspect that, if I started working on a big members section game now, something similar would happen as I clearly want to get on with these two games.
So, as an experiment, this is what I’m going to try. I’ll work on Molly with the intention of it being a free game, but I’ll release it to members first when it’s done. Then, after a couple of week, or maybe up to a month, I’ll release it for free. At the same time as I add it to the members section, I’ll also add a bunch of smaller stuff. I’ll think I’ll release a bunch of mini game at the same time (similar to ‘Kelly Solo’ or ‘Strippers’), and also add a new pile of members area exclusive galleries. Between all of them, I think I should get a reasonable number of people signing. up. It’ll be an interesting experiment.
So, if I’m perhaps aiming for a game in the long run with Leanna, Molly and Mariana, that does make thing a little more complicated for the player character. If you are technically playing as a different character each time, who do you play as in the game with all three of them?
An obvious solution is to have it be the same character in each game. some players have expressed reservations about this though, as it means you never really end up in a true relationship with any of them. This works with the ending of Leanna, as I never really felt you ended up that way at the end. You were just two grown adults you liked have lots of sex together. It’s not like, say, Betsy where a clear, fairly long term relationship was established.
So, what do you all think? Is it fine that the player character and Leanna only end up good friends and ‘sex buddies’? Or do you feel that it’s only worth it with a proper, romantic, at least fairly long term relationship at the end?

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Update, November 6th
So, some interesting information has just come to light regarding my ability to make a 3D game. One of the main suppliers of my 3d assets has just released a new license which would allow me to use many more of my established characters in a 3d engine.
Just to clarify, by a ‘3d game’, I mean one that exists in a 3d environment. My usual games are a series of 2d images. A 3d game would be more like what you’d normally play on your game console. You can move around freely, explore the environment etc.

Let’s have new poll so I can gauge how interested everyone might be in this.

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