I’m finding it a little hard to decide what to do for my next game right now.
To be blunt, the plan was to do Crystal Part 3. Progress is going very well, but it’s one of those games where I can’t resist the temptation to keep adding things. It’s a temptation I could resist, but I feel like the third game in the Crystal trilogy need to be one worthy of it’s title. So, basically, I can keep working on her, but I may not be finished for a while yet. Release may be the end of April or later.
As a result, I think I want to take a break from her and do a smaller game first. But what to do? I’m making this blog post to get some opinions on the matter.
Some of the long term followers of the site might recall me posting an image of Rachel with her sister, Betsy a long time ago. One possibility might be to do a game with her. A possible problem with that though, is I particularly like her, and wonder if she would be wasted on a small game. I spent a lot of time refining her school uniform (school would be the setting). What do you think?
Of course, another possibility would be to make a mini game focusing on another character. There’s plenty of popular ones who haven’t had a game focusing on them yet.
Grace? Tammy? Daisy? I don’t think I have the conviction towards making a large game featuring any of them though.
I’ve added a poll with as many options as I could think of. Vote to have your say, and leave a comment if you want to say something more specific.
EDIT : Here’s an extra couple of images to help you decide.
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