More from dsp3000 on Tara Part 3…
Many of you have probably been wondering what has happened to the imminent release of Tara Part Three. Some of you may have been disappointed that it wasn’t released last Friday as predicted.
Well I can tell you that there’s none more disappointed than me.
Let me explain…
Last week was meant to be the big final push to complete everything. After a productive weekend, and a successful Monday, my computer suddenly crashed. It was a proper blue screen of death moment followed by several unsuccessful reboots. Fortunately, experience means that I am very disciplined with backing up work so I was lucky to lose very little of the Tara game.
I did however lose a lot of valuable production time.
The following two days were spent rebuilding a computer with a burnt out processor, recovering files, reinstalling software and files, followed by some tentative testing to eliminate causes. I had another less serious crash a couple of days later so I’m now using a completely new set up.
Today (Sunday) has been the first time I’ve had a full day back on the project and things seem to be pretty stable.
In terms of progress, the game is so achingly close to being finished. I’m up to 1237 images with just a handful left to create. I could theoretically have the game completed by the end of tomorrow, but I don’t want to promise anything until it’s been delivered safely to Chaotic.
Here are a few images from the scene with Maria and Holly (which is so hot it killed a computer), plus an image with Amy and Lola who you do get to meet in the game.
The next time you here from me should be an announcement about the final release date.
Wish me luck!