Tara : The Hitch Hiker has now been released, and is available to all members in the members section.
There is also a free demo for those who want to try it out first.
In case you missed by post last week, next Friday (17th), I will be uploading a new game to the members section. It will be the first ever ‘guest game’ for the site, made by dsp3000 rather than myself.
In Tara, “You are a professional photographer driving north for an assignment tomorrow morning. You set off a couple of hours ago and have just stopped for a break at a truck stop. There are still two hours of your journey remaining before you reach your hotel room for the night.”
During your drive, you can pick up a hitchhiker named Tara, and enjoy all the fun that comes with a hot hitchhiker who likes sex. There are multiple ways the plot can go before you reach your destination, and I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun exploring all the possibilities.
Progress on my own game, Photographer Part 2 is still good. I have over 210 images now.
It may seem like I’ve made less this week, but that’s because I’ve been making the animated GIFs. I’ll be posting more details and sample images after Tara has been released so I don’t distract you too much from dsp3000’s game.
During the summer, I posted a series of tutorials with the intention of encouraging fans of my games to
try making some themselves. Today, I am happy to annouce that someone has done just that.
The game is named Tara : The hitchhiker, and has been created by dsp3000.
It will be added to the members area on October 17th, where it will be available for all members.
There will also be a free demo for those who wish to try it out first.
It is a fairly large game at 371 images, includes many achievements to aim for, and multiple endings.
Progress on my own game, Photographer Part 2, is also going well and it currently stands at just over 170 images.
Next week, I’ll be posting samples of Tara, and giving more details of what you can find in Photographer Part 2.
This week it’s time for more details on The Photographer part 2.
This time around, rather than working for Maddison, you will be working directly for Mr. Hughes, the old pseudo Hugh Hefner character from Rachel Part 3. What I was trying to setup in that game is that the client Maddison needed the Photos for in Photographer part 1, was Mr. Hughes (it was also supposed to be one of his parties in the original game too). This also explains why Ellie and Maddison had invlites to his party in Rachel Part 3.
The two featured new girls, Melyssa and Nikki are both professional models working for Mr. Hughes.
Like the first Photographer game, the player will explore the city looking for models for his or her latest job. If you can find four, and deliver a satisfactory photoshoot with each of them, you get access to the party at the end of the day. Although Melyssa and Nikki will not be available for photoshoots during the day, they will be accessible at the party like Maddison and Ellie in the original.
Progress on the game is going very well. There’s already over a hundred images, so this should be a very large game by the time it’s finished.
Today I am proud to announce that the next game for the members area will be…The Photographer Part 2!
The game will be a continuation and sequel to the original photographer game, and work will work in a very similar way. There will be multiple characters, and multiple endings with each of them just like the first one.
The original Photographer was a way to bring together all the dates that I had created at that point, and the sequel will share that. Expect every date since Photographer Part 1 make an appearance, as well as many new ones- notably the two on the image below (the brunette is Melyssa, and the blonde is Nikki).
This is already turning out to be much easier to make than Miranda. In the last week I’ve made as many images as I did in the first two months of making her date.
I’ll hopefully be making weekly posts on a Friday from now until release.
As some of you may have noticed, progress with Miranda has been a little slow. This is partly of course due to the larger size and higher detail of the images, but there’s other reasons. Although I didn’t really announce it, I was also quite ill earlier in the year (hence I ended up doing the tutorials instead of working on a game), which also means I started later. I did the math and at the current rate of work, assuming Miranda ends up the size I want her, I won’t be finished until April.
Normally I make two games per year, so this isn’t really acceptable to me.
After wrestling with this for a while, I have decided that the best thing to do is delay her until next summer. She’s a summer game anyway, so it makes more sense.
I have therefore decided on another game I want to make. It’ll be a large game, but also one that I can produce a little quicker than normal. I will be announcing what it is next Friday.
Miranda’s game will be released. It will just be at a slightly later date. I’ve included here one final preview image until we see her next year.
Only a small update with one picture today.
As we get closer to release I’ll be doing an update every week with multiple images, as I usually do.
Also, just to confirm a few thing from the comments section from my last post, this game should be similar in size and structure to Maddison and Rachel Part 3. You will also have the option to select gender and ethnicity.
And yes, there will be threesomes.
Fist of all, in case you haven’t noticed the massive image on the front page, Katie has now been released for free. Find it, play it, download it and keep it from the games section.
Today I am also happy to announce the subject of my next game will be…Miranda.
Don’t remember her? She was hot blonde one who sells you the boat in Zoe. I’ve been wanting to do another game set in the same location ever since the first one. I’ve also had a number of people say they like her, so she seems like a good choice.
For Miranda, I also want to try and take these games into the HD era a bit more. I am working to make the images much more detailed than usual, and creating them at the larger size of 1280 x 753. If you have a smaller monitor, don’t worry – you will also be able to play at the normal size of 850 x 500.
Lastly today, I have found a solution for those who use Chrome and can’t play the downloaded games. If you are one of these people, here you go : http://www.vdategames.com/help.html It requires some altering of the properties box, but don’t be scared if you’re not used to doing that. It’s very safe.
Since I am working to make the Miranda images as detailed as possible, production of the game may take a little longer, but I’m confident it will be worth it. As usual, I will be posting updates and preview images over the next few months.