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Due to it's non linear nature, it's hard to deliver a precise walkthrouhg, but hopefully this game guide will be enough.


Day 1. Follow this guide to get Maddison, Mia and Lisette on max pints before day 2 starts.


- "Yeah. You picked a good outfit for it too."
- "Maybe I should come too then."
- "Pleasure to meet you miss Novak. I'm ."
- "I did try to warn him..."
- Any response
- Any response
- "Wow. Thank you."
- "And if it does work, you could get a promotion!"
- "Hey, it's a plan."
- "See. You always have good plans."


Day 2. Focus on finding the women you are interested in.

Schedule :


10 .00 to 11.40 = Kimiko
12.00 to 13.55 = Cherise
16.00 to 17.55 = Zoe
17.40 to 19.55 = Zoe
20.00 to 21.55 = group1
22.00 to 22.50 = group2
8.00 to 9.55 = Emma 1
10.00 to 11.45 = Emma & Maddison
14.00 to 17.20 = Miranda
17.40 to 18.55 = Emma (only if Emma points are high enough)
8.00 to 9.55 = Mia
12.00 to 13.55 = Maddison and Lisette
14.00 to 14.20 = group
14.25 to 14.40 = Miranda & Zoe
14.45 to 15.00 = Kimiko
17.40 to 19.50 = Paige and Cherise
8.05 to 9.55 = Paige 1
10.00 to 11.55 = Paige 2
14.00 to 15.55 = Maddison
16.00 to 17.55 = Paige 3
8.00 to 9.55 = Maddison
10.00 to 11.55 = Mia 1
12.00 to 13.55 = Mia 2
16.05 to 17.55 = Mia 3
8.05 to 9.55 = Lisette & Miranda/Cherise & Kimiko
12.05 to 13.55 = Emma/Paige
14.00 to 15.55 = Cherise
16.00 to 17.55 = Group 1
18.00 to 19.55 = Group 2
20.00 to 21.55 = Group 3
11.10 onwards = Zoe & Miranda, but only if points high enough
Pool Room
10.00 to 11.55 = Miranda & Zoe
12.00 to 13.55 = Kimiko
14.00 to 15.55 = Lisette
20.00 to 21.55 = Kimiko (only if points high enough)
22.00 to 22.55 = Cherise (only if points high enough)
8.45 to 9.05 = Zoe
10.10 to 10.25 = Cherise
10.40 to 10.50 = Lisette
11.45 to 11.55 = Emma
12.00 to 12.10 = Kimiko
14.20 to 14.30 = Paige
17.50 to 18.00 = Miranda
18.15 to 18.25 = Maddison


Conversations :

Bar, Kimmy : "The mansion is cool, your choice in fashion is amazing."
" you can do whatever the hell you want."
Bar, Cherise : "Fine wine for fine ladies."
"Only the pretty ones, of course."
Bar, Zoe : "Of course! Today is all about making you ladies happy."
Bar, Lisette : "Is something wrong with your leg?"
"That's pretty hot what you're doing right now. You know guys like a woman who's flexible."
Bar, group 1 : "Well done!"
"A what?"
"Well, I'm certainly impressed by your knowledge of classic authors."
"Yes! Drinks are on me!"
Bar, group 2 : "Hi, everyone. I see you're all still dressed, so Kimmy can't be that much of a bad influence."
"Nice one, Miranda. You're still wearing clothes though."
Garden, Emma 1 : "Long enough to see how good you are."
Garden, Emma 2 : "So, you look like that, dress like that, and you're outdoors doing yoga. I just wanna say that everything about you is hot right now."
Garden, Maddison : "Maybe we'll be able to after Sunday."
"If not, I'm sure you'll get there one day."
Garden, Miranda : "Err...'grass time'?"
"There is something very natural and erotic about it, isn't there?"
Kitchen, Mia : "I entirely agree. The whole thing's just a stupid experiment gone too far."
Kitchen, Maddison & Lisette :  "Anything I can do to help here?"
"I think you look amazing in it."
Kitchen, Miranda & Zoe : "I think she has a point. It's much better to just be naked outside somewhere private."
Kitchen, Kimiko : "Is that 'mmm' for me or the ice cream?"
"Oh? And how do I 'find out'?"
Kitchen, Paige & Zoe : "What? Of course there isn't. You look amazing, Paige."
"True, but the tiny, skinny woman with small breasts looks drives some men crazy."
Kitchen, Group : "Of course. It'll show your commitment to the magazine. And you'll look hot."
Library, Paige 1 : "Pleased to meet you too, Paige."
"Cool. You really know your stuff."
Library, Paige 2 : "Maybe you will find some secrets hidden on the island then."
Library, Maddison : "I agree. Everything fun happens with a double bed."
Library, Paige 3 : "You looked really hot when you were stretching just then."
"(laugh) You don't need to apologise. I did say it was hot."
Office, Maddison : "I wanted to start watching the girls as soon as possible."
Office, Mia 1 : "So, how bad is Mr Hughes company right now?"
"You're trusting me with secrets? Cool."
Office, Mia 2 : "You seem a little young to be running a massive company like this."
"You must still have some serious business smarts then."
Office, Mia 3 : "Not right now. I feel you're worth at least some of my attention."
"Good. I like flattering you."
Pool, Miranda & Lisette : "Oh, please, Lisette. We both know you're the 'good lookin' one here."
"Only if I can love you both at the same time."
Pool, Cherise & Kimiko : "Good morning. You two are in the pool early."
"Woah! That is one revealing swimsuit you're wearing there, Kimmy. I like it."
"Well, obviously, yours is also very nice, Cherise."
Pool, Paige : "Pretty much a veteran at this point. I've probably done hundreds of photoshoots."
"That's fantastic. What kind of stuff did you photograph?"
Pool, Emma : "Of course not. I love a woman who's a free spirit."
Pool, Cherise : "Of course not. Scout's honor!"
"Yes, way!"
Pool, group 1 : "Am I interrupting anything, ladies?"
"Easy. Bikinis."
Pick the person you want to please the most.
Pool, group 2 : "Outdoors everytime if I could!"
Pool, group 3 : If want Paige or Cherise - "Compulsory, no. Very fun, yes."
If want Mia - "Why fuck in the pool when you have seven bedroom to choose from."
Pool room, Miranda & Zoe : "Maybe you could 'make it interesting' for her."
"I don't think she's serious, Zoe."
Pool room, Kimiko : "Of course I was watching you. How could I resist?"
Pool room, Lisette : "OK. I'd rather be lounging by the pool with you all day."
"For you, I'll make sure I have the time."



A more step by step walkthrough by EscapeEvade :


Yeah, you picked a good outfit, too. (+1 Maddison)
Maybe I should come, too (+1 Maddison)
Pleasure to meet you Miss Novak (+1 Mia)
I did try to warn him (+1 Mia)
Wow. Thank you (+1 Mia)
And if it does work, you could get a promotion (+1 Maddison, +1 Lisette)
Hey, it’s a plan (+2 Lisette)
See. You always have good plans (+1 Maddison)

How to get each scene (some are mutually-exclusive based on who gets points in a conversation)

Maddison and Lisette (Scene is together)
Around 8:00-9:00am Maddision is in Mia’s office
I wanted to start looking at the girls as soon as possible (+2 Maddison)

Around 8:00am-10:00am Miranda and Lisette are by the pool
Can get +2 to Lisette AND +1 to Miranda/+1 to Lisette by choosing “Only if I…”

Around 11:00am-12:00pm, Maddision is on the garden
Maybe we’ll be able to after Sunday (+1 Maddison)
THEN “If not, I’m sure…” (for another +1 Maddison)

Around 12:00-13:00pm Lisette and Maddison are in the kitchen)
Choices are either +2 to Lisette or +1 to Maddison

Around 14:00-15:00, Lisette is in the game room
“Oh, I’d rather be lounging…” THEN “For you…” (+2 Lisette total)

Around 14:00-16:00, Maddision is in the library
I agree. Everything fun… (+2 Maddision)

From 16:00-17:00, Maddison, Lisette, Emma, Kimiko, and Cherise are in the pool
Choose “Lingere” and then, “Well, obviously…” to get +1 to all present

At 18:00-20:00, Lisette is in the bar
Is something wrong with your leg?
That’s pretty hot…. (+2 Lisette)

Around 20:00-21:00, Maddison, Miranda, Lisette, Zoe, and Emma are in the bar
If you do, “Well done,” That’s +1 to Lisette
If you SAY NOTHING, you can get +2 to Miranda with, “Well I’m certainly…”
+1 to all for “Yes! Drunks are on me!”

Around 22:00-23:00, Kimiko, Lisette, Miranda, Paige, and Emma are at the bar
Hi, everyone… is +1 Kimiko,
Then, either choice is +1 Miranda for some reason…

On Sunday morning, you can get scene with Lisette and Maddison
I had 22 for Maddison and 14 for Lisette to get it

Miranda and Zoe (Scene is together)
Around 8:00am-10:00am Miranda and Lisette are by the pool
Can get +2 to Lisette AND +1 to Miranda/+1 to Lisette again by choosing “Only if I…”

Around 10:00-11:00am Miranda and Zoe are in the game room
Choices are either +1 to Miranda (“Maybe we could…”) AND +1 Miranda (“Good idea!”) or +1 Zoe (“I don’t think…”)
+1 to Zoe only (“Well, if she doesn’t…”)

Around 14:00-15:00, Mia, Miranda, Zoe, and Emma are in the kitchen
“Of course…” (+1 Mia, Miranda, Zoe)

Around 14:00-15:00, Miranda and Zoe are in the kitchen
“I think she has…” (+1 to both)

Around 15:00-16:00, Miranda is in the garden
Er, “grass time?” leads to…
There is something very natural… (+2 Miranda)

Around 16:00-17:00, Zoe is in the bar
Of course! Today is all… (+1 Zoe)

Around 18:00-19:00, Mia, Miranda, and Zoe are in the pool
“Outdoors!” (+1 to Zoe and Miranda)

Around 20:00-21:00, Maddison, Miranda, Lisette, Zoe, and Emma are in the bar
SAY NOTHING, you can get +2 to Miranda with, “Well I’m certainly…” (+1 Zoe)
+1 to all for “Yes! Drinks are on me!”

Around 23:00-24:00, Zoe and Miranda are by the pool
Had 10 for Miranda and 9 for Zoe to get it

Around 8:00am-10:00am Cherise and Kimiko are by the pool
(Click to LEFT when you see Miranda and Lisette, if you didn’t interact with them
Woah! That is one revealing… (+2 Kimiko)
Yours is nice, but Kimiko’s… (+2 Kimiko)

Around 10:00-11:00 Kimiko is at the bar
The mansion is cool, your choice in fashion… (+2 Kimiko)
…here you can do whatever the hell you want (+1 Kimiko)

Around 13:00-14:00, Kimiko is in the game room
Of course I was watching you, how could… (+2 Kimiko)

Around 15:00-16:00 Kimiko is in the kitchen
“Is that ‘mmm’ for…” (+2 Kimiko)
Oh, and how do I find out? (+2 Kimiko)

From 16:00-17:00, Maddison, Lisette, Emma, Kimiko, and Cherise are in the pool
Choose “Lingere” and then, “Well, obviously…” to get +1 to all present

Around 20:00-21:00 Kimiko is in the game room
If you’ve done everything with her to now, you get her
(She had 11 points when I saw this)

Around 8:00-9:00am Emma is in the garden
Long enough to see how good you are (+2 Emma)
Very, very tempting, but I don’t think… (+1 Emma)

Around 10:00-11:00am Emma is AGAIN in the garden
So, you look like that… (+3 Emma)

At 12:00-14:00pm, Paige and Emma are at the pool
Choose which to interact with
Emma- Of course not. I love a woman who’s… (+1 Emma)

Around 14:00-15:00, Mia, Miranda, Zoe, and Emma are in the kitchen
“I don’t know, it might look” (+2 Mia, +1 Emma)

From 16:00-17:00, Maddison, Lisette, Emma, Kimiko, and Cherise are in the pool
Choose “Lingere” and then, “Well, obviously…” to get +1 to all present

Around 8:00am-10:00am Cherise and Kimiko are ALSO by the pool
(Click to LEFT when you see Miranda and Lisette if you didn’t interact with them already)
“Nice swimsuit, Kimmy. What are…” (+1 to both)
“You do look…” (+2 Cherise)

At 12:00-13:00pm, Cherise is in the bar
Fine wine for fine ladies. (+1 Cherise)
Only the pretty ones, of course. (+1 Cherise)

Around 14:00-15:00, Cherise is in the pool
“Scout’s honor…” (+1 Cherise)
Yes way (+1 Cherise)

Around 18:00-19:00, Paige and Cherise are in the kitchen
“Nothing’s wrong…” (+1 to both)

Around 20:00-21:00, Mia, Paige, and Cherise are at the pool
Choice is either “Fun, yes” (+2 Paige, +1 Cherise)

Around 22:00-23:00, Cherise is in the studio
If you’ve got enough points now, you get her
(Need 10 points, at least, it seems)

Around 9:00-10:00am Paige is in the library
Pleased to meet you too, Paige (+1 Paige)
Cool. You really know your stuff. (+2 Paige)

Around 10:00-11:00 Paige is still in the library
Maybe you will find some secrets… (+1 Paige)

At 12:00-14:00pm, Paige and Emma are at the pool
Choose Paige to interact with
Paige- Pretty much a veteran… (+1 Paige) THEN That’s fantastic… (+2 Paige)

At 16:00-18:00, Paige is in the library
You looked really hot… (+1 Paige)
(laugh) You don’t need to… (+2 Paige)

Around 18:00-19:00, Paige and Cherise are in the kitchen
“Paige, there is…” (+1 to both)

Around 20:00-21:00, Mia, Paige, and Cherise are at the pool
“Fun, yes…” (+2 Paige, +1 Cherise)

Scene with Paige is the next morning. Go see her when Lisette tells you.

Around 8:00-9:00am Mia is in the kitchen
I entirely agree. The whole thing’s…. (+1 Mia)

Around 10:00-11:00am Mia is in her office
So, how bad is Mr. Hughes’ company…
You’re trusting me with secrets? Cool. (+1 Mia)

Around 12:00pm-1:00pm, Mia is in her office
You seem a little young to be….
You must still have some serious… (+2 Mia)

Around 14:00-15:00, Mia, Miranda, Zoe, and Emma are in the kitchen
“I don’t know, it might look” (+2 Mia, +1 Emma)

Around 16:00-17:00, Mia is in her office
Not right now. I feel you’re…. (+1 Mia)
Good. I like flattering you. (+2 Mia)

Around 18:00-19:00, Mia, Miranda, and Zoe are in the pool
Indoors (+1 Mia)

Around 20:00-21:00, Mia, Paige, and Cherise are at the pool
Seven bedrooms (+1 Paige and Mia)

Mia ending scene needs 15 points for Mia, probably… and it is basically the epilogue, so keep playing after this time.

Arranged in time order (so that you maximize your time wisely)

Around 8:00-9:00am Maddision is in Mia’s office
I wanted to start looking at the girls as soon as possible (+2 Maddison)

Around 8:00-9:00am Mia is in the kitchen
I entirely agree. The whole thing’s…. (+1 Mia)

Around 8:00-9:00am Emma is in the garden
Long enough to see how good you are (+2 Emma)
Very, very tempting, but I don’t think… (+1 Emma)

Around 9:00-10:00am Paige is in the library
Pleased to meet you too, Paige (+1 Paige)
Cool. You really know your stuff. (+2 Paige)

Around 8:00am-10:00am Miranda and Lisette are by the pool
Can get +2 to Lisette AND +1 to Miranda/+1 to Lisette again by choosing “Only if I…”
+1 to Miranda only

Around 8:00am-10:00am Cherise and Kimiko are ALSO by the pool
Click to LEFT when you see Miranda and Lisette
Choice “Nice swimsuit, Kimmy. What are…” (+1 to both)
And then
“I very much…” (+1 to both) OR “You do look…” *(+2 Cherise)
Woah! That is one revealing… (+2 Kimiko)
IF the “Woah!” choice, then:
“Well, obviously yours is…” (+1 Cherise)
“Yours is nice, but Kimiko’s…” (+2 Kimiko)

Around 10:00-11:00am Mia is in her office
So, how bad is Mr. Hughes’ company…
You’re trusting me with secrets? Cool. (+1 Mia)

Around 10:00-11:00am Emma is AGAIN in the garden
So, you look like that… (+3 Emma)

Around 10:00-11:00 Kimiko is at the bar
The mansion is cool, your choice in fashion… (+2 Kimiko)
…here you can do whatever the hell you want (+1 Kimiko)

Around 10:00-11:00 Paige is still in the library
Maybe you will find some secrets… (+1 Paige)

Around 10:00-11:00am Miranda and Zoe are in the game room
Choices are either +1 to Miranda AND +1 Miranda or +1 Zoe
+1 to Zoe only

Around 11:00am-12:00pm, Maddision is on the garden
CHOICE Maybe we’ll be able to after Sunday (+1 Maddison)
THEN “If not, I’m sure…” (for another +1 Maddison)
“I dunno, I like the place…” then “I promise…” (+1 Maddison)

Around 11:00am-12:00pm, Kimiko is in the bathroom

Around 12:00pm-1:00pm, Mia is in her office
You seem a little young to be….
You must still have some serious… (+2 Mia)
(By the way, she’ll be at the pool at 6pm)

At 12:00-13:00pm, Cherise is in the bar
Fine wine for fine ladies. (+1 Cherise)
Only the pretty ones, of course. (+1 Cherise)

Around 12:00-13:00pm Lisette and Maddison are in the kitchen)
Choices are either +2 to Lisette or +1 to Maddison

At 12:00-14:00pm, Paige and Emma are at the pool
Choose which to interact with
Emma- Of course not. I love a woman who’s… (+1 Emma)
Paige- Pretty much a veteran… (+1 Paige) THEN That’s fantastic… (+2 Paige)

Around 12:00-13:00, Paige or Emma is still at the pool, but alone, depending on who you chose earlier
See choices above

Around 13:00-14:00, Kimiko is in the game room
Of course I was watching you, how could… (+2 Kimiko)

Around 14:00-15:00, Mia, Miranda, Zoe, and Emma are in the kitchen
“I don’t know, it might look” (+2 Mia, +1 Emma)
“Of course…” (+1 Mia, Miranda, Zoe)

Around 14:00-15:00, Cherise is in the pool
Either choice is +1 Cherise, but “Scout’s honor” leads to…
Yes way (+1 Cherise)

Around 14:00-15:00, Miranda and Zoe are in the kitchen
Choice is either +2 to Miranda or +1 to Both

Around 14:00-15:00, Lisette is in the game room
Either “Of, I’d rather be lounging…” THEN “For you…” (+2 Lisette total)

Around 15:00-16:00, Miranda is in the garden
Er, “grass time?” leads to…
There is something very natural… (+2 Miranda)

Around 15:00-16:00 Kimiko is in the kitchen
“Is that ‘mmm’ for…” (+2 Kimiko)
Oh, and how do I find out? (+2 Kimiko)

Around 14:00-16:00, Maddision is in the library
I agree. Everything fun… (+2 Maddision)

Around 16:00-17:00, Mia is in her office
Not right now. I feel you’re…. (+1 Mia)
Good. I like flattering you. (+2 Mia)

Around 16:00-17:00, Zoe is in the bar
Of course! Today is all… (+1 Zoe)

From 16:00-17:00, Maddison, Lisette, Emma, Kimiko, and Cherise are in the pool
Choose “Lingere” and then, “Well, obviously…” to get +1 to all present

At 16:00-18:00, Paige is in the library
You looked really hot… (+1 Paige)
(laugh) You don’t need to… (+2 Paige)

Around 17:00-20:00 Emma is in the garden again
If you’ve done everything with her to now, you get her

Around 18:00-19:00, Mia, Miranda, and Zoe are in the pool
Choice is either Outdoors (+1 to Zoe and Miranda) or Indoors (+1 Mia)

Around 18:00-19:00, Paige and Cherise are in the kitchen
Choice is +1 to both (say nothing’s wrong) or +1 just to Paige (What? Of course…)

At 18:00-20:00, Lisette is in the bar
Is something wrong with your leg?
That’s pretty hot…. (+2 Lisette)

Around 20:00-21:00, Maddison, Miranda, Lisette, Zoe, and Emma are in the bar
If you do, “Well done,” That’s +1 to Lisette
If you SAY NOTHING, you can get +2 to Miranda with, “Well I’m certainly…”
+1 to all for “Yes! Drinks are on me!”

Around 20:00-21:00 Kimiko is in the game room
If you’ve done everything with her to now, you get her
(She had 11 points when I saw this)

Around 20:00-21:00, Mia, Paige, and Cherise are at the pool
Choice is either “Fun, yes” (+2 Paige, +1 Cherise) or
Seven bedrooms (+1 Paige and Mia)

Around 22:00-23:00, Cherise is in the studio
If you’ve got enough points now, you get her
(Need 10 points, at least, it seems)

Around 22:00-23:00, Kimiko, Lisette, Miranda, Paige, and Emma are at the bar
Hi, everyone… is +1 Kimiko,
Then, either choice is +1 Miranda for some reason…

Around 23:00-24:00, Zoe and Miranda are by the pool
Had 10 for Miranda and 9 for Zoe to get it

On Sunday morning, you can get scene with Lisette and Maddison
I had 22 for Maddison and 14 for Lisette to get it

Mia ending scene needs 15 points for Mia, probably